Authentication with Auth0

Adding Authentication with Auth0

Authentication in the process of identifying who is trying to access our API. Building our own solution can be hard and cause severe security issue if done wrong. In recent years third-party authentication providers became quite popular. One of those is Auth0, which comes with an exceptional free plan allowing up to 7.000 active users and unlimited logins, making it one of the best available solutions for getting started.

In this guide we will go through all the steps required for integrating authentication into an existing mesh setup using the @envelop/auth0 (opens in a new tab) package.

Installing dependencies

We start by installing the package into our Mesh setup with your favorite Package manager.

yarn add @envelop/auth0

Adding the Auth0 Plugin to the Mesh setup

    # The domain of the Auth0 server we need to communicate with for authenticating a user. We will fill this out in the next step.
    domain: 'YOUR_DOMAIN'
    # The audience is the identifier of the API and is forwarded to Auth0 in order to specify for which API we are trying to authenticate our user for. E.g. if our API is hosted on `http://localhost:3000/graphql`, we would pass that value. We will fill this out in the next step.
    audience: 'YOUR_AUDIENCE'
    # Once a user got successfully authenticated the authentication information is added on the context object under this field. In our resolvers we can then access the authentication information via `context._auth0.sub`.
    extendContextField: '_auth0'

Setting up the Auth0 API

In order to properly configure the Auth0 plugin we need the domain and audience values. We will retrieve them by setting and configuring Auth0 from scratch!

If didn't already sign up for Auth0, you should do it now on Auth0 Sign Up (opens in a new tab). Since you can sign up with your GitHub or Google Account it should be super fast!

After logging in navigate to the Auth0 dashboard (opens in a new tab) and from there to the APIs page, where we will click the Create API button.

Auth0 Dashboard

Choose any name for the API, we are going with Mesh Demo for this example. The Identifier field should be set to the URL of our GraphQL API. We are hosting our API on localhost and set it to the host and port on which our Mesh server is served, which is http://localhost:3000/graphql. For production you should instead set it to the URL of the production server.

Auth0 API

We can ignore the Signing Algorithm option and go with the pre-set value. Once everything is filled out properly we can click the Create button.

Now we already have one of the missing config options we needed audience , which is equal to the URL we just entered http://localhost:3000/graphql.

Auth0 Copy Audience

The domain value is a bit hidden, but we can find it on the detail page of the API we just created, on the Test tab.

Auth0 domain

It will vary depending on your account name and region, but in general it follows this pattern


This is our domain configuration value.

Let's quickly add this information to our Mesh configuration.

  - auth0:
      domain: '{account_name}.{region}'
      audience: 'http://localhost:3000/graphql'
      extendContextField: '_auth0'

We now have all the information needed for configuring the plugin. However, we did not yet setup an application that is required for users to authenticate in the browser.

But before doing so, let's verify that the plugin is doing what it should do.

Expose authentication information via GraphQL schema

Before we start our server we should add some types and fields to our schema in order to query for the authentication information. The complete code should look like this:

additionalTypeDefs: |
  Describes the authentication object as provided by Auth0.
  type AuthenticationInfo {
    String that uniquely identifies an authenticated user.
    sub: String!
  extend type Query {
    The authentication information of the request.
    authInfo: AuthenticationInfo
  - ./additionalResolvers.ts

In additionalResolvers.ts:

export const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    authInfo(_source, _args, context) {
      return context._auth0

Then we can start our server. The Mesh server can be started via yarn start.

start > yarn
yarn run v1.22.10
$ mesh dev

Next, we are going to execute a query on the GraphiQL instance exposed on http:localhost:3000/graphql.

query {
  authInfo {

GraphiQL Unauthenticated

As expected the value of the authInfo field is null, as we are not passing any authentication headers along with our request.

Generating an Auth0 Access Token

In order to retrieve an access token, we first need to set up an Auth0 application and an authentication route. For the sake of this guide and in order to reduce complexity we will simply add an route to our Mesh http server that renders some HTML with a <script> tag that invokes the Auth0 JavaScript SDK (referenced via a CDN) and then appends the authentication token to the document body. It should still give you a feeling how you can integrate the Auth0 SDK with your favorite Frontend Framework. If you are using Next.js you should check out nextjs-auth0 (opens in a new tab).

Let's go back into the Auth0 interface on the Applications page.

Auth0 Applications

Press the Create application button, enter a name of your choice (e.g. Mesh Example Single Page Web) and select the Single Page Web Applications application type. Confirm by pressing the Create button.

Auth0 Create Application

We will be redirected to the Application detail page.

The first important information we need from there is the Application Client ID. We need that string for configuring the Auth0 SDK

On that page we also need to switch to the Settings tab as we will have to adjust our application URL settings. Our application is hosted on http://localhost:3000. We will have to set the Allowed Callback URLs, Allowed Logout URLs and Allowed Web Origins setting to that value (http://localhost:3000).

Don't forget to save the changes with the Save Changes button at the end of the page.

Next we add the new route in our Mesh configuration:

  staticFiles: public

Then add public/index.html;

<!DOCTYPE html />
    <script src=""></script>
        domain: '{account_name}.{region}',
        client_id: '<client_id>',
        audience: 'http://localhost:3000/graphql'
      }).then(async auth0 => {
        await auth0.loginWithPopup()
        const accessToken = await auth0.getTokenSilently()
        window.document.body.innerText = accessToken

As mentioned before it is not that fancy. After restarting the server and opening http://localhost:3000/ URL we should see a blank page and an Auth0 LogIn pop-up.

Auth0 Create Application

After a successful login the authentication token is added to the blank page.

Auth0 Create Application

Let's copy that one and move back to our GraphiQL instance.

Sending an Authenticated Request

In the Request Headers tab we can specify our Authorization header in the following format:

  "Authorization": "Bearer <access token>"

Then after re-executing the operation we see that the result now contains our authentication information!

  "data": {
    "authInfo": {
      "sub": "google-oauth2|101177380012777232372"

Auth0 Create Application

Next Steps

Congratulations on successfully implementing authentication for your GraphQL API with Mesh and Auth0!

The full code of this guide can be found in our Mesh examples (opens in a new tab).

In the GraphQL schema of this guide we only re-expose the auth0 authentication information. For a true registration flow the user information should be persisted via a register mutation or similar, so additional information such as first and last name is stored within a database.

You can use the context object inside your handlers or anywhere else in Mesh;

  - auth0:
      domain: '{account_name}.{region}'
      audience: 'http://localhost:3000/graphql'
      extendContextField: '_auth0'
      # No need to prevent unauthorized access
      preventUnauthorizedAccess: false
  # You can combine this with `@graphql-mesh/plugin-operation-field-permissions`
  - operationFieldPermissions:
        - if: 'context._auth0?.sub != null'
            - '*'