
Encapsulate Transform

The encapsulate transform allows to easily encapsulate a specific schema into a single field under the root type.

For instance, if your handler created a schema like this, named mySchema:

type Query {
  something: String
type Mutation {
  doSomething: String

The encapsulate transform will change your schema to this:

type Query {
  mySchema: mySchemaQuery!
type Mutation {
  mySchema: mySchemaMutation!
type mySchemaQuery {
  something: String
type mySchemaMutation {
  doSomething: String

This transformer is useful when you have multiple APIs in your Mesh Gateway and you wish to have it wrapped with a name to better understand where each field is coming from.

To get started with this transform, install it:

yarn add @graphql-mesh/transform-encapsulate

How to use?

  - encapsulate:
        query: true
        mutation: false
        subscription: false

Config API Reference

  • name (type: String) - Optional, name to use for grouping under the root types. If not specific, the API name is used.
  • applyTo (type: Object) - Allow you to choose which root operations you would like to apply. By default, it's applied to all root types.:
    • query (type: Boolean)
    • mutation (type: Boolean)
    • subscription (type: Boolean)