Subscriptions & Webhooks

Handle Webhooks with GraphQL Subscriptions

GraphQL Mesh can consume Webhooks as GraphQL Subscriptions in the unified schema by using the built-in PubSub implementation

Add a new Subscription field

You can use additionalTypeDefs and resolveTo directive to add subscription root fields to your unified schema.

If you subscribe a pubSub topic with webhook:EXPECTED_METHOD:EXPECTED_PATH, the server will automatically bind that path to that topic.

additionalTypeDefs: |
  # If you don't have Subscription type defined anywhere
  # You have to extend subscription definition
  extend schema {
    subscription: Subscription
  type Subscription {
    todoAdded: Todo @resolveTo(
      pubsubTopic: "webhook:post:todo-added"
    # result: "data.someProp.someOtherProp", # You can get nested fields
    # filterBy: "root.userId === args.userId" # You can filter the payload by `userId` for example

We can use existing types from our unified schema, and this root field is subscribed to our specific topic in our PubSub service.

Use JSON Schema Handler instead

You can also use the JSON Schema handler if you don't want to write an extra GraphQL type definition. You can generate GraphQL type definitions from sample JSON response;

Just add the following to your existing JSON schema handler configuration in .meshrc.yml file;

- type: Subscription
  field: todoAdded
  pubsubTopic: webhook:post:todo-added
  responseSample: ./todo.json
You can check out our example