
DataDog, InfluxDB, Telegraf, StatsD

You can use @graphql-mesh/plugin-statsd plugin to collect and send metrics to Datadog's DogStatsD and InfluxDB's Telegraf StatsD services.

Compatible with:

  • Datadog's DogStatsD server
  • InfluxDB's Telegraf StatsD server
  • Etsy's StatsD serve

Available metrics:

  • graphql.operations.count - the number of performed operations (including failures)
  • graphql.operations.error.count - the number of failed operations
  • graphql.operations.latency - a histogram of response times (in milliseconds)
  • graphql.delegations.count - the number of delegated operations to the sources
  • graphql.delegations.error.count - the number of failed delegated operations
  • graphql.delegations.latency - a histogram of delegated response times (in milliseconds)
  • graphql.fetch.count - the number of outgoing HTTP requests
  • graphql.fetch.error.count - the number of failed outgoing HTTP requests
  • graphql.fetch.latency - a histogram of outgoing HTTP response times (in milliseconds)

You can also customize the graphql prefix and add custom tags to the metrics.

Getting Started

yarn add @graphql-mesh/plugin-statsd
yarn add hot-shots

Example Configuration

# ...
  - statsd:
      # Configure `hot-shots`
        port: 8020
      # results in `gql.operations.count` instead of `graphql.operations.count`
      prefix: my-graphql-mesh
      # If you wish to disable introspection logging
      skipIntrospection: true

Config API Reference

  • skipIntrospection (type: Boolean) - If you wish to disable introspection for logging (default: false)
  • prefix (type: String) - prefix.operations.count (default: graphql)
  • client (type: Object) - Client Configuration:
    • bufferFlushInterval (type: Int)
    • bufferHolder (type: Object):
      • buffer (type: String, required)
    • cacheDns (type: Boolean)
    • cacheDnsTtl (type: Int)
    • globalTags (type: JSON)
    • globalize (type: Boolean)
    • host (type: String)
    • isChild (type: Boolean)
    • maxBufferSize (type: Int)
    • mock (type: Boolean)
    • path (type: String)
    • port (type: Int)
    • protocol (type: String (tcp | udp | uds | stream))
    • sampleRate (type: Float)
    • suffix (type: String)
    • telegraf (type: Boolean)
    • useDefaultRoute (type: Boolean)
    • tagPrefix (type: String)
    • tagSeperator (type: String)
    • tcpGracefulErrorHandling (type: Boolean)
    • tcpGracefulRestartRateLimit (type: Int)
    • udsGracefulErrorHandling (type: Boolean)
    • udsGracefulRestartRateLimit (type: Int)
    • closingFlushInterval (type: Int)