Configure GraphQL Code Generator

Configure GraphQL Code Generator

Mesh relies on GraphQL Code Generator (opens in a new tab) to generate the Resolvers type that give you access to:

  • fully typed resolvers map
  • fully typed SDK (through the context) to fetch data from Sources

The generated typed Mesh SDK can also be accessed directly, as shown below:

import { getMeshSDK } from './.mesh'
async function test() {
  // Load mesh config and get the sdkClient from it
  const sdk = getMeshSDK()
  // Execute `myQuery` and get a type-safe result
  // Variables and result are typed: { getSomething: { fieldA: string, fieldB: number }, errors?: GraphQLError[] }
  const { getSomething } = await sdk.myQuery({ someVar: 'foo' })

Remember you need operation documents to get this SDK generated. See here for more details

GraphQL Code Generator default configuration

Mesh provides a default GraphQL Code Generator configuration, shown below:

  "skipTypename": true,
  "flattenGeneratedTypes": false,
  "onlyOperationTypes": false,
  "preResolveTypes": false,
  "namingConvention": "keep",
  "documentMode": "graphQLTag",
  "gqlImport": "@graphql-mesh/utils#gql",
  "enumsAsTypes": true,
  "ignoreEnumValuesFromSchema": true,
  "useIndexSignature": true,
  "contextType": "MeshContext"

Customizing the GraphQL Code Generator configuration

The above default configuration can be overridden with the codegen root parameter, as shown below:

  skipTypename: false
  contextType: './context#MyContextType'

Please note, that the codegen parameter allows you to update the configuration passed to the GraphQL Code Generator plugins used by Mesh:


The codegen parameter won't allow you to add or remove plugins.