Naming Convention Transform
The naming-convention
transforms allow you to apply casing and other conventions to your response.
yarn add @graphql-mesh/transform-naming-convention
How to use?
In this example, enumValues fields are converted to uppercase, while fieldNames are converted to camel case to enforce consistency.
Add the following configuration to your Mesh config file:
- namingConvention:
mode: bare | wrap
typeNames: pascalCase
enumValues: upperCase
fieldNames: camelCase
fieldArgumentNames: camelCase
For information about "bare" and "wrap" modes, please read the dedicated section.
You can see our gRPC example that uses this transform to see its application. Click here to open the example on GitHub (opens in a new tab).
Config API Reference
(type:String (bare | wrap)
) - Specify to apply naming-convention transforms to bare schema or by wrapping original schematypeNames
(type:String (camelCase | capitalCase | constantCase | dotCase | headerCase | noCase | paramCase | pascalCase | pathCase | sentenceCase | snakeCase | upperCase | lowerCase)
(type:String (camelCase | capitalCase | constantCase | dotCase | headerCase | noCase | paramCase | pascalCase | pathCase | sentenceCase | snakeCase | upperCase | lowerCase)
(type:String (camelCase | capitalCase | constantCase | dotCase | headerCase | noCase | paramCase | pascalCase | pathCase | sentenceCase | snakeCase | upperCase | lowerCase)
(type:String (camelCase | capitalCase | constantCase | dotCase | headerCase | noCase | paramCase | pascalCase | pathCase | sentenceCase | snakeCase | upperCase | lowerCase)